April Town Meeting

Thursday, April 9, 2020 - 7:30pm
April 9, 2020
7:30 PM
  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of Minutes (March 12, 2020 and March 26, 2020)
  5. Resident Input

Public comment period. All comments are limited to 3 minutes.

  1. Committee Reports
    1. Recreation Council
    2. Green Infrastructure Committee
    3. Cheverly Day Committee
    4. Planning Board
  2. Town Administrator Report

Town Administrator Galloway will provide a report to the Mayor and Council regarding the status of Town operations and a summary of actions taken under the COVID-19 state of emergency.

  1. Chief of Police Report

Chief Towers will give monthly report

  1. Public Works Report

Director Brayman and Nelson Brooks (Town Contractor) from EA Engineering will provide an update on the underground storage tanks and update Mayor and Council on information that has been submitted to Maryland Department of the Environment.

  1. Second Reader of the Code Compliance Ordinance

Mayor Riazi will introduce the Code Compliance Ordinance. This will serve as a second reader to allow for public notice and comment. Regular (non-emergency) legislation proceeds through a three (3) reader process.

  1. Recent Development Activity Applications

Mayor and Town Administrator will provide an update on applications recently accepted for review by the Prince George’s County Planning Department in the Cheverly area.

  1. Budget Homework

Mr. Al Martin who presented at the March 26, 2020 Worksession will review budget assignment given to Mayor and Council.

  1. Operating Budget

The Town Administrator and Town Treasurer will submit a draft operating budget to discuss with Mayor and Council.

  1. Constant Yield Tax

The Constant Yield Tax Rate is calculated by the State for each taxing authority in Maryland. It represents the Real Property Tax Rate for the coming tax year that would generate the same amount of revenue (collect the same amount of tax dollars) in FY21 that was generated during the current tax year (FY20). As assessments increase, the Constant Yield Tax Rate decreases. Implicit in this concept is the idea that, if the Mayor and Council set a FY21 tax rate at or below the FY20 tax rate, this would still represent a tax increase if it is higher than the constant yield tax rate. When a taxing authority, e.g. the Town of Cheverly, plans to impose a Real Property Tax Rate that is higher than the Constant Yield Tax Rate, it must advertise the tax increase and hold a public hearing. If the taxing authority plans to set its FY21 Real Property Tax Rate at the FY20 level, but above the Constant Yield Tax Rate, it must be advertised, and a hearing must be held.

  1. Worksession Agenda

Mayor-an opportunity for the Mayor to invite Councilmembers to submit items for her consideration for placement in future Mayor and Council Worksessions.

  1. Mayor and Council Announcements

Opportunity for Mayor and Council to share community happenings and events.

  1.  Adjournment
*Please click the link below to join the webinar: 
Password: 591325
Or Telephone: +1 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 596 441 605
Next Meetings of the Mayor and Town Council
April 16, 2020           Special Worksession  7:30pm
April 23, 2020            Worksession               7:30 pm
May 14, 2020            Town Meeting              8:00 pm