November 4

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Board of Elections
November 4, 2020
Call to order
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm via Zoom.
In attendance: Chair, John LeGloahec, Supervisor Robin Kaye, Joseph Pruden.
                         Staff: Town Clerk - TC Hegeman.
Motion to Approve October 21, 2020 Minutes: Approved by consent.
Proposed Charter Amendments:
  • Raise the number of election supervisors from 3 to 5.
  • Saturday Voting and /or Early Voting
  • Same Day Registration and Same Day Voting
  • Voting by Mail and/or expanding the Absentee process
Mayor and Council want to send a ballot to every registered voter in Cheverly.
May need an Emergency Charter Amendment to expedite the process. Mr. Galloway and the Town Attorney will discuss the possibility of an Emergency Charter Amendment.
Saturday voting will be an opportunity for people to vote early as it would occur the Saturday before the election.
A ballot box will allow residents to drop off their mail in ballot.
Mr. Price inquired about the process of collecting signatures for a referendum.
Mr. LeGloahec informed Mr. Price that the Board of Elections cannot assist him and that he will need to reach out to the Town Administrator and the Town Attorney about the process.
There will be a Public Hearing and First Reader on the proposed Charter Amendments on December 3 and the Second Reader will occur at the Town Meeting on December 10.
Mr. Pruden made a Motion to:…………. instead of second day of on premises voting: Seconded by R. Kaye.
Ballot Boxes: Mr. Pruden did not have any new information and will send something out on next Monday. 
R. Kaye sent a letter to the other BoE members to review and is waiting to hear back from them before she mails it.
Motion to Adjourn: J. Pruden, seconded by R. Kaye.
7:47 p.m.