October 2022

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Cheverly Planning Board Meeting Agenda
October 4, 2022
7:30 p.m.
  1. Welcome
  2. Administrative Items
    1. Review and Approve September 2022 Minutes
      1. Meeting minute approval postponed until November
    2. Status of Planning Board Members, New Members, and Vacant Roles
      1. Reba Corrine Thomas joined the meeting and is interested
      2. Mike Clauser joined the meeting and is interested
  3. General Updates
    1. Development Notifications
      1. Community Temple Church Site
        1. Property was up for bid but didn’t receive a viable offer
        2. There’s an opportunity to discuss opportunity with RDA and the County, and the potential of building a senior center
        3. There’s also an opportunity to reach out to M-NCPPC about purchasing land to help meet goal of creating more open space in County
      2. 5801 Arbor Street Property
        1. Joyce will follow-up with County contact to better understand the status of this
      3. Jesse Warr Recreation Center Revitalization
        1. There’s an opportunity to coordinate with the recreation center on Metro Station connectivity
    2. Master Plan of Transportation
      1. Joyce is meeting with Crystal Hancock on Thursday 10/13 for an update on the planning process
    3. Hospital Hill Redevelopment Engagement
      1. No major updates
    4. 1201 Claybrick Road Planning Process
      1. There was a Mayor’s meeting with MDE, DDOT, and DGS on 9/27
      2. The District is prepared to bring a fully electric fleet onsite when it opens
      3. There’s an opportunity for the District to ensure an environmentally friendly development, implement innovative programs, provide local job creation, and make better connections between the bus facility and Metro
      4. The anticipated completion data is 2026-28
    5. WMATA 10-Year Strategic Plan for Joint Development Engagement
      1. Steven Segerlin will be attending our November Planning Board meeting to give an update on recommendations in the Strategic Plan
      2. This is an opportunity to discuss marketing innovative renewable energy initiatives, and the relationship to Hospital Hill redevelopment and how this development will be bringing ridership to Metro
      3. Would also like to start thinking about opportunities to position transit-oriented development in Cheverly
  4. Up Next