
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cheverly Planning Board Meeting Minutes
May 5, 2020
Planning board attendees: Margaret MacDonnell, Jeremy Coon, Joyce Tsepas, Vinny Herman
  1. Review and approve previous meeting minutes
    1. April minutes approved.
  1. Development Activity Notice
    1. Site: Columbia Park Road and Cabin Branch
      1. Status: Pending
      2. Industrial zoning (I-2)
    2. Site: Property at the end of Lydall Road
      1. Status: Approved as if March 24, 2020
      2. Industrial zoning (I-1)
    3. Opportunity to coordinate with the green infrastructure committee to see if they have weighed in.
    4. Action Item: Margaret to follow-up with Dylan to understand if/how town can weigh in especially if these sites are by-right.
  1. File Sharing for Planning Board Members
    1. Would like to determine feasibility of Planning Board Drop Box or Google Docs created by town.
    2. Action Item: Margaret awaiting feedback from Dylan on best path forward for file sharing.
  1. Membership Document
    1. Includes summary of process and term.
    2. Margaret shared with Dylan, and will be giving an overview at next work session.  
  1. Annexation of Property Adjacent to Addison Row
    1. For this to meet annexation regulations, it would need to be contiguous and cannot be enclave based. For example, it would need to include properties in Englewood or through SMITH property.
    2. Would like to better understand need/desire to annex.
  1. Thematic Work Sessions
    1. Goal is to pick two Cheverly Sector Plan Recommendations to focus on with Council per year, with the following priorities:
      1. Prince George’s County Hospital Site Redevelopment
        1. Annexation
        2. Developer Engagement
        3. Connectivity
      2. Redevelopment around Cheverly Metro
        1. Annexation
        2. Developer Engagement
        3. Columbia Bridge
      3. Medical Terrace Redevelopment
      4. Landover 202 Corridor Redevelopment
    2. Action Item: Margaret to follow-up with Dylan to determine best approach for Council coordination.
  1. Other
    1. Would like to discuss opportunities for better trail connectivity, and if easements are needed.