
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Cheverly Planning Board Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2021

PB Attendees:  Barbara Brown, Jeremy Coon, Megan Kiel, Margaret MacDonnell, Fred Price, Joyce Tsepas; Kobie Pruitt as potential member

  1. Minutes from February meeting approved.
  2. Ernest Williams, Prince George’s County liaison to Hospital Site Redevelopment, provided an overview of the status of the Hospital Site Redevelopment.
    1. The anticipated timeframe is for an RFP in late Spring to select master developer. A concept plan will be provided in the RFP. The entitlement process will follow in 2022, with an anticipated groundbreaking in 2 years. 
    2. The connections being proposed are to benefit the town of Cheverly, though the County understands that it is important to explain feasibility considerations as well as pros/cons and demonstrate best practices in street design.
    3. A shuttle could be explored but it will depend on connectivity and ridership.
    4. The type of amenities will depend on the density of development, and different density scenarios are being explored.
    5. This is the beginning of the process and RDA will be engaging the community throughout.
  3. Joyce volunteered to develop a Greater Cheverly Sector Plan implementation tracking sheet for the PB. The PB is interested in forming a focus group around trail planning to help implement recommendations in the Greater Cheverly Sector Plan. Margaret has received interest from members of the community.
  4. A snapshot of potential annexation zones and considerations will be discussed at April’s PB meeting.
  5. Joyce will coordinate with the Green Infrastructure committee and share a recommendation for parks and the “Reserved Open Space (ROS)” zoning designation with the M&C for the revised zoning amendment process (completed on March 15th). 
  6. Maglev DEIS comments are due on April 22nd (note that they were extended to May 24th).
  7. PB roles: We need a volunteer for secretary.