Leaf Collection Schedule - Week of 1/20/2020

Leaf Pick-Up Schedule 

Below please find the Town Leaf Pick-Up Schedule for the week of January 20 through January 24.   Please remember that weather conditions and other factors may impact this schedule.  A complete schedule can be found in your upcoming monthly town newsletter or online at:  https://www.cheverly-md.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif401/f/news/leaf_collecti...

Due to the MLK holiday on Monday January 20, yard waste will be picked up on Tuesday, January 21 and there will be no leaf vacuum that day.
January 23
57th Ave. 2500-2607*
Dewey St. 5800-5841*
Tremont Ave. 2900-3100*
Landover Rd. 5611-6005 (odd)
Monroe St. 5625-5627 (odd)
Monroe St. 5702-5714
Newton St. 5518-5614 (even)
Newton St. 5700-5809
Quincy St. 5543-5545 (odd)
57th Ave. 3501-3507 (odd)
58th Pl. 3600-3605
January 24
Inwood St. 5600-5615
Jason St. 5600-5716
Lockwood Rd. 5600-5907
Kilmer St. 6000-6021
Lake Ave. 3001-3122
*Moved from January 17