Leaf Collection Schedule

Leaf Pick-Up Schedule Week of 1/13/2020
Below please find the Town Leaf Pick-Up Schedule for the week of January 13 through January 17.   Please remember that weather conditions and other factors may impact this schedule.  A complete schedule can be found in your upcoming monthly town newsletter or online at:  https://www.cheverly-md.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif401/f/news/leaf_collecti...
January 14
Benton Rd. 5900-5901
Belleview Ave. 2300-2358 (even)
Belleview Ave. 2301-2351 (odd)
Euclid St. 5901-6012
January 16
Euclid St. 5700-5735
Forest Rd. 5700-5721
Greenleaf Road 5601-5625
Greenleaf Road 5701-5809 (odd)
Hawthorne St. 5600-5622
56th Pl. 2902-2907
January 17
57th Ave. 2500-2607
Carlyle St. 5703-5835
Crest Ave. 2500-2824
Dewey St. 5800-5841
Crest Ave. 3000-3215
Tremont Ave. 2900-3307