Planning Board

The Mayor and Town Council promulgate the following procedures governing the Cheverly Planning Board.

The Cheverly Planning Board was created as a statutory requirement of the 1996 Urban Renewal Authority as passed by the Maryland General Assembly.  The statute specifies that the urban renewal plan is to be referred the Cheverly Planning Board, by the Mayor and Town Council, to obtain advisory comment/input.  The Mayor and Council initially set the size of the Planning Board at three members, but have increased the membership as needed.

The resolution forming the Planning Baord, established the Board's purpose as follows:
"To advise the Mayor and Council by commenting on development, redevelopment, land acquisition, improvements, rehabilitations and refining all renewal proposals including propopsals for condemnation. The Board will advise whether a proposal or plan is in the best interests of the public health, safety, morals or welfare of the residents of the Town."
The Planning Board as advisory to the Mayor and Town Council, should assist the Council in its decisionmaking and public comments by providing technical input regarding the future impact of proposed development and construction around the Town, and comment to the Mayor and Town Council on the development objectives, goals and principles for future development of the Town of Cheverly prior to enactment.
        The Board shall, upon request of the Town Council, review, comment and make recommendations to the Mayor and Council on the following planning and development activity:
        1.      Urban Renewal Plans and Projects.
        2.      An overall "Development Policy Plan", the outcome of which will be a set of community goals and principles to guide future development in the Town.
        3.      Functional Plans which impact the quality of life in Cheverly and the interface of such functional plans with the overall plans of the Town, such as:
                a.      The Town's Green Infrastructure ( a function of the Town's Tree Commission);
                b.      The Town's Public Recreation and Open Space plans;
                c.      Streets, sidewalks and pedestrian way; and
                d.      Public buildings and or other infrastructure improvements.
                e.      Long Range Expansion and Annexation Plans.
        4.      State and County proposals and plans that could have an impact on the Town.
        5.      Planning Board members may be asked to participate in other planning and development efforts such as:
                a.  Advisory committees of the Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission;
                b.  Prince George's County Planning Board planning efforts.
        6.      The membership of the Planning Board shall be no less than three (3) members and no more than eight (8).  Board members shall be appointed to two (2) year terms by the Council.

        1.      The state open meetings law governs the Cheverly Planning Board. Hence, reasonable notice of each of the Planning Baord meeting shall be provided to the public. The notice shall include the date, time, location, and predetermined agenda items. Each meeting of the Planning Board shall be open to the public, with written minutes provided in a timely manner.
        2.      The Planning Board shall elect a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary.
        3.      The Planning Board shall meet at a minimum of once per month. Notice of the Planning Board meetings shall be posted on the Town's Bulletin Board, website and noted in the Newsletter. The Planning Board, in conjunction with the Town Administrator, shall establish the scheduling of its meetings, date, time, and places.
        4.      The minutes of the Board's meetings shall record the actions, votes or motions during the meetings. The Chair of the Planning Board will timely give Planning Board minutes to the Town Administrator. Minutes of the Board meeting are public record and therefore shall be made available to the public.
        5.      The Chairman of the Planning Board shall be responsible for reviewing all Council meeting agendas and for having Board members at Council meetings when necessary and shall communicate with the Town Administrator regarding Council meetings agendas and other relevant matters. The Chairman of the Planning Board shall be responsible for setting the Planning Board agenda which shall be promptly conveyed to the Town Adminstrator.     
        6.      When the Mayor and Council refer items to the Planning Board, the Planning Board shall provide written comments to the Council in a timely manner. The Board should take a vote on all comments and any report to the Council should include the vote and the position of the majority and any dissent on the Board as those votes are recoreded at all meetings of the Mayor and Town Council. The Planning Board may on thier own initiative recommend that the Mayor and Town Council take positions regarding various issues within their purview.
        7.      When items are referred to the Planning Board by the Council, the Town Administrator will make copies available to the Chair.
        8.      The Town Administrator will forward all communications from the Planning Board to the Mayor and Council. Individual Planning Board members may, nevertheless, communicate informally with the Mayor and Town Council members.
        9.      It is expected that every Planning Board member will fully particfipate in the work of the Planning Board, and will attend at least 75% of the meetings, each year. Should a Planning Board member not maintain a 75% attendance level, over the course of a 12-month period, his/her participation will be reported to the Town Administrator. After due consultation a Board member may be asked to resign. The Town Council may remove a Planning Board member from the Planning Board.      
        10.     All Planning Board members shall comply with the Town Ethics law and complete any financial disclosure statement.
        11.     The Planning Board may adopt such other procedures at they deem necessary and not in conflict with Town policy and regulations.

1.      The Planning Board is advisory only and does not act as a negotiationg body for the Town.
2.      All correspondence or communications with third parties proposed and/or generated by the Planning Board or its members as representative of the Town must be sent under the signature of the                            
Mayor or approved by the Mayor.