O-2-13 Amending Vehicles and Traffic (13)

Code of the Town of Cheverly
An Ordinance whereby the Mayor and Council restrict the parking of dual rear vehicles in residential streets and public areas.
  • WHEREAS, Article VII, Section C-23A(12) of the Charter of the Town of Cheverly grants to the Mayor and Town Council the power to regulate the use of public ways; and
  • WHEREAS, the Mayor and Town Council deem it appropriate to amend the Town Code regarding parking to restrict the parking of dual rear vehicles on residential streets of the Town; and
  • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Town Council, in regular session assembled, that Section 27-5(e) of the Cheverly Code be repealed and reenacted with amendments as follows:
Sec. 27-5. - Parking and driving restrictions.
It shall be unlawful, within the corporate limits of Cheverly to:
(a)     Park any vehicle within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant or within a bus stop zone marked by a sign or within twenty-five (25) feet of the intersection of curblines.
(b)     Park any vehicle on or across any sidewalk, or to park in such a manner as to block any street, road, highway or alley or driveway.
(c)     Park any vehicle in the same place on any street, road or highway longer than seventy-two (72) consecutive hours without a permit issued by the town administrator.
(d)     Drive or park any motor-powered vehicle, such as automobiles, motor scooters, motorcycles and trucks, or any trailer or heavy equipment, on any sidewalk, park strip, parkway or public park in the Town of Cheverly.
(e)     Park or store within any area zoned R-55 or R-10, on the street, at any time during the hours between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday, at any time between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. except temporarily, while actually loading or unloading persons or property or while associated with work being performed on the premises, and at any time on Sundays or holidays, any motor vehicle or vehicle that:
(1)     Is greater than eighty (80) inches in width, including all protrusions except side mirrors, and two hundred forty (240) inches in length from bumper to bumper;
(2)     Displays advertising;
(3)     Visibly carries equipment ordinarily used for the furtherance of any commercial enterprise;
(45)    Is visibly being used for storage; or
(56)    Is a boat, a non-motorized trailer, or a boat and trailer.
Note A.  The Town Administrator may grant a temporary permit for a vehicle not meeting the above requirements to park on a specific street, so long as the permit is not valid for more than seven (7) days, a resident of the Town makes proper application to the Town Administrator and the Town and the Town Administrator determine that the following criteria are met:
The vehicle does not disrupt visibility or traffic flow;
The vehicle does not present a hazard to the public or Town property;
The vehicle is there by permission of one (1) of the residents of the Town;
No more than two (2) permits are granted to the same person in any calendar year; and
The vehicle meets all applicable federal, state, county and Town legal requirements and regulations.
  • AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that if any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or any other applications of the Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or applications, and to this end, all the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable.
  • AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days from the date of its adoption; provided, however that a fair summary of the Ordinance is published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Cheverly.
  • INTRODUCED by the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Cheverly, Maryland, at a regular meeting on April 11, 2013, at which meeting copies were available to the public for inspection.
  • ADOPTED by the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Cheverly, Maryland, at a regular meeting on June 14, 2013, at which meeting copies were available to the public for inspection., at which meeting copies were available to the public for inspection.
[ ] indicate deletions
Asterisks * * *  Indicate matter retained in existing law but omitted herei