Building Use Policy


        The Cheverly Community Center is the property of the Town and provides only limited space for use by the Town government and organizations that serve primarily Cheverly residents. Further, the Community Center is administered by a very small staff with numerous other administrative duties. These regulations provide for the use of the Community Center by the Town government and by Town organizations which serve primarily Cheverly residents. They are intended to provide equitable and standardized application and reservation procedures for eligible user groups, and to prevent discrimination on the basis of viewpoint, race, sex or creed.

        The scheduling and use of the Community Center facilities is under the control of the Town Administrator, or his or her designee, and the Building Usage Committee. The Usage Committee meets in September to coordinate usage in the building, especially activities to be held in the gym. Groups wishing to use the gym in the Fall, Winter or Spring should attend this meeting.

Eligibility and Priorities for Scheduling:

        The Town receives numerous requests for use of its facilities such that the Town must set eligibility standards and the priorities within these eligible groups. Hence the following below-listed organizations and groups are the only groups eligible to use the Cheverly Community Center facilities. They are listed in the order of their priority for scheduling.


        A.      The Mayor and Town Council, or Town staff (for official Town business).


        B.      Council-appointed committees and other official meetings (for official Town business).

        C.      Community - oriented public service organizations, provided the general membership consists of at least 20 regular members with at least 50% of the regular members being Cheverly residents. Such organizations using the Cheverly Community Center must maintain by-laws and lists of officers and members. A copy of the by-laws and a current list of officers or a statement of purposes and intent as well as a list of members, shall be kept on file in the Town Administrative Office. Data on membership shall be provided to the Town annually and upon request whenever such data are pertinent to a proposed use of the Center.

        D.      Paid Classes approved by the Rec Council as providing a benefit to the Cheverly Community. Classes may be scheduled at time when the building is otherwise not scheduled. Registration of students may be performed by Park and Planning or directly with the instructor. The Building Utilization Committee must be provided with certifications of insurance, a full roster of students and a monthly payment for the use of the facility equal to 25% of student fees.




        Because of space and staff limitations and the need of the Town to use the facilities for the above governmental and community organizations, the following organizations are not eligible to use the Cheverly Community Center Facilities:


        A.      Partisan-political groups that seek to influence the outcome of elections or the determination of public policy through political activity or advocacy, lobbying or litigation on behalf of parties other than  themselves.


        B.      Groups organized primarily for profit;


        C.      Private/family groups; and


        D.      Fraternal or religious groups or organizations.


        A.      Town property will not be used:


                1.      In violation of town, county, state or federal laws.


                2.      For the consumption, sale or purchase of alcoholic beverages unless specific permission has been granted.


•     Requests for exceptions to Section 20-15 (Consuming Alcoholic Beverages on Public Property) of the Town Code shall be directed to the Town Administrator in writing.  The requests should show the exception desired, date of event, responsible individual or organization, and any other information applicant feels is pertinent.


•     Any group receiving an exception permit is held responsible for the proper and lawful conduct of the event.

  1. For fund raising activities including, but not limited to, sales, auctions, raffles or games of chance involving money, unless a specific permission is issued by the Town to a community-oriented public organization.


  1. For campaigning, rallies, demonstrations, press conferences, or advertising, with the exception of the candidates’ forum for Town elections, which shall be allowed if administered by a neutral community oriented public service organization as outlined in this regulation.


  1. By organizations or individuals repeatedly or flagrantly violating Town requirements for use of the building or grounds unless the Town Administrator determines that there are circumstances mitigating the previous violation(s) or circumstances tending to show the violation(s) will not occur again.


        B.      Groups or organizations reserving a room or area of the Cheverly Community Center facilities have the discretion to use the space reserved in a way that reasonably serves the purpose of that          group or organization.  Such groups or organizations are not required to share the space reserved with other groups even if the group or organization is not utilizing the entire area reserved.  However, ordinarily all events within the Cheverly Community Center facilities shall be open to the public and groups or organizations may not exclude persons from attending such functions unless the party the group wishes to exclude is:


                1.      Disrupting the peace or good order of the particular meeting or event reserved;


                2.      Creating a public nuisance in violation of the Town Code; or


                3.      Engaging in an activity hazardous to the life and safety of any person, e.g., blocking an emergency exit or attempting to engage in an athletic event in the gym while there is another athletic        event already validly proceeding.


        Any group attempting to exclude an individual shall be responsible for excluding such person in a lawful and orderly manner or for calling for the assistance of the police.