Census Complete Count Committee (CCCC) Meeting

January 26, 2020 - 2:00 PM

Please join us for the first Census Complete Count Committee (CCCC) meeting on Sunday January 26, 2020 at 2:00pm. This meeting will take place in the LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM at Cheverly Community Center (6401 Forest Road). ALL are Welcome!!! We plan to brainstorm our goals and strategies as a group and explore ideas for community outreach.

Please join us, bring a friend, or pass the word along and don’t forget to make sure you “Follow”/”Like” our We Count Cheverly FB Page and keep sharing our census news/information.  

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Mayor Riazi (mayor@cheverly-md.gov), Councilmember Bryner (CMWard3@cheverly-md.gov), or Councilmember Fry (CMWard6@cheverly-md.gov). We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!