Demographic and Economic Information


According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of Cheverly in 2020 was 6,170 (47.2% male and 52.8% female), with 9.7% of residents under the age of 5, 21.2% under the age of 18, and 18.2% over the age of 65. The racial makeup of Cheverly is 47.1% black, 38.5% white (36.5% white, non-Hispanic), 6.1% Hispanic or Latino, and 5.8% comprised of American Indian, Alaska natives, or Asian. In 2020, 4.9% of Cheverly residents counted themselves as multi-ethnic.


According to the 2020 U.S. Census survey, 92.9% of the Town's residents over age 25 had graduated from high school and 51.7% were recipients of bachelor or graduate degrees.


According to the 2020 U.S. Census survey, the Town's median household income in 2016-2020 was $99,343. In 2016-2020, 7.4% of Cheverly residents lived below poverty level.


As of 2017, there were a total of 162 businesses in Cheverly, with 40.2% of those firms being owned by women. As of 2020, the employment rate in Cheverly was 71%.


Cheverly is home to many long-time residents, with 86% living in the same house for more than one year. The homeownership rate in 2016-2020 is 73.8%. There are 2,380 housing units in Town, 22.1% of which are multi-unit structures. The median year built of houses in Cheverly is 1955, and Town policy mandates that careful attention is directed to the condition of these dwellings and public improvements be made within these areas in order to maintain the housing quality and a stable neighborhood environment. The Town's Policy is to prevent deterioration and encroachment of commercial and industrial development, thus maintaining property values and neighborhood stability.

The median household population is 2.46 persons. The mean travel time to work (for workers over age 16) is 35.6 minutes.

Trends in housing prices in the Town to a large extent reflect those throughout the nation. The median value of a house in Cheverly is $367,800.

Please visit the U.S. Census Bureau for additional demographic information from the 2020 U.S. Census.